Karen Black

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Date of birth 1 July 1939
Date of death 8 Aug 2013 / 74
Zodiac sign Cancer
Place of birth USA
Awards and prizes
Golden globe, 2 awards and 1 nomination
Oscar 1 nomination
American actress, composer and singer. Born in the suburbs of Chicago, at the age of 15 he enrolled in northwestern University. After two years of study, he moved to new York where he began performing on Broadway.
Made his film debut in 1959, but only ten years later, universally known for its role in the cult film “easy rider.” In addition, she starred in such films as “Airport 1975”, “Nashville”, “Five easy pieces” and “the Great Gatsby”. Winner of two Golden globes, several times nominated for Oscar Johansson
In the last years of his life was shot infrequently and mostly in low-budget projects. He died on 75-m to year of life.
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