Karen Allen

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Karen Allen
Birthday: 05.10.1951 year
Place of birth: Carrollton, Illinois, USA
Citizenship: United States
In 1981, Karen Allen took part in the filming of a movie about the adventures of Indiana Jones “In search of the lost ark” This film brought a huge success to an aspiring actress. In 1984 she played one of the leading roles in the movie “the man with the star”.
Karen Allen was born on 5 October 1951 in USA. She is a popular American actress, is remembered by many for her role as Marion Ravenwood is in the movies about the adventures of Indiana Jones.
Karen Allen was born in Carrollton, Illinois. She grew up in a family of a schoolteacher and a military father Karen was a secret FBI agent. Karen graduated from high school in Glendale, and then decided to move to new York, and there continue their education.
From a young age she gravitated to the world of beauty. Karen loved to read the old stories, as she liked to think of the images of different clothes and wanted to play a role in the movie. The girl was very talented, and her parents tried to help in her aesthetic development.
In new York, Karen Allen entered the Institute of fashion technology, after which she decided to continue her education at the University of Maryland.
After receiving another diploma Karen Allen decided to break from routine and went on a long journey to Latin America.
In 1974, Karen has decided to join the world of dramatic art. She decided that all his life dreamed of playing on stage and in film. The first role of an aspiring star became the movie “animal house”, released in 1978.
In 1981, Karen Allen took part in the filming of a movie about the adventures of Indiana Jones “In search of the lost ark” This film brought a huge success to an aspiring actress. In 1984 she played one of the leading roles in the movie “the man with the star”.
In the 80s Allen paid much attention to Broadway productions. And in 1990 after the birth of the championship, decided to devote themselves to hearth and home and child.
The best acting Karen Allen in this period were films: “the Wanderers”, “Wanted”, “you reap what you sow”, “the Glass menagerie”, “a New Christmas tale”, “Love on tour”, “Malcolm X,” “king of the hill”, “Ghost in the machine”.
In 1997, the actress has experienced a loud divorce from her husband. She tried not to get depressed and started to withdraw. In 1998 on the screens out the film with her participation “Falling skies”. One of the last works of the actress was the film “the wanderer”, “the briar patch”, “When I fall in love”, “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal skull.”
In her free time Karen Allen doing his own clothing line. Under her leadership, the company “Karen Allen – Fiber Arts”.
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