Justin Long

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Justin Long – American theater and film actor, screenwriter, producer, computer «mac» in the face of videos «Apple». He became known for horror film “Jeepers Creepers.”
Justin Jacob Long originally from Connecticut, USA. He was born on June 2, 1978 in the city of Fairfield. Justin – the middle son in a family of James Long and Wendy Lesniak. Despite the fact that the actor’s mother was once an actress of Broadway, all the children received religious education. Their father was a teacher and professor of philosophy, and strictly followed so that the children followed the ten commandments of the main Catholic. In particular, Justin even attended the Jesuit school, where he studied ancient languages, ancient history, geography, physics and mathematics. After high school, he entered an actor in one of the best private colleges of America – liberal arts college Vassar. In college there was the acting troupe of comedians, who almost immediately took Justin to his team. Membership in this group was considered very honorable, and gave a good start for the young actors. After participating in several television shows and series, the actor landed his first role in cinema – in a fantastic adventure-comedy directed by Dean Parisot “Galaxy Quest.” The role of Justin went small, but he was lucky to play on the same site with the famous Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman. About Justin Long started talking seriously as an actor after the release of pictures of “Jeepers Creepers.” Then the actor played the boyfriend of pop singer Britney Spears, in the romantic comedy “Crossroads.” Then Justin Long played the role that we dream about half of the male population of the world. Another relatively prominent role for the actor in the film was the work of Rawson Marshall Thurber’s “Dodgeball – the true story”, which was released in 2004. It should be noted that while for Long stuck comedy roles. In an interview, he once admitted that he always wanted to play the role of a serious character drama. Until then, the actor has successfully went on to star in a number of comedies. He has participated in the shooting of films such as “Wacky Races” Angela Robinson, “Break-Up” Peyton Reed, the fourth part of an action movie “Die Hard”, “Drag Me to Hell” and others. In addition, Justin Long to “revive” the animated characters in the animated film “Battle for Terra” and the leader of a group of furry animals in the family comedy “Alvin and the Chipmunks.” The actor does not like to advertise my personal life, but he was unable to avoid the hype after meeting with actress Drew Barrymore. As reporters found out about their affair began, the couple began to constantly pop up in all sorts of media reportage chronicles. Recently, the actor not only continues to receive suggestions about the shooting, but he acted as a producer and writer of two films due out in 2013. In addition, the audience remains to be seen Long in promising comedy about the legendary creator of the «Apple» Steve Jobs, in which he played a major role.
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