Justin Bruening

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While Justin was born in Chadron, Nebraska, but grew up in St. Helen. While there spent childhood had St. Helena around 85 permanent residents. When he graduated from Wynot High School, the school was nothing more than ten students. Immediately after graduation, Justin went to San Diego, California, and got behind the counter to McDonald’s. Here he was soon noticed the talent scout and offered him a job. Justin has become a model for the clothing company Abercrombie & Fitch.
After the success of advertising campaigns for Abercrombie & Fitch, Justin tried to study acting. He starred in the music video for the song “Boys” by Britney Spears and immediately noticed him casting director in American soap operas All My Children. In 2003 Justin in this series to gain a major role and began to play professionally. ALL MY CHILDREN plot in 2004 and 2005, interfering in other soap operas, ONE LIFE TO LIVE (like occasionally mingled storylines surgeon and Private Practice), so this time Justin appeared there as well. IN ALL MY CHILDREN Justin played until 2007, then his character in the series appeared four years and in 2011 was flashed in two parts.
In 2005, Justin auditioned for the role of Superman in the movie Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns. Part, but he eventually is blown Brandon Routh. A year later, he starred in a little movie FAT GIRLS and an episode of 3 pounds, a year later, then he appeared in a dormant cases and CID MIAMI.
In 2008, Justin pointed at each other a bit more prominent roles. NBC tried to revive the series Knight Rider and Justin was entrusted the main role – he played the son of the original Rider (in this role once beaming David Hasselhoff). But the show was a flop, and after 17 broadcast works was canceled.
Through a single roll in series Castle, WONDER WOMAN, FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS, or CSI: NY STATE OF GEORGIA 2011 Justin got a significant role in the series Ringer, a total Becky laying in the sun trying to get a half-forgotten Sarah Michelle Gellar. Although RINGER soon canceled, but Justin matter much. He received a substantial role in the series SWITCHED AT BIRTH, which appeared in the 2012-2013 season and finally impressed Shonda, who recruited him to the surgeon.
In 2005, after a long acquaintance Justin married his acting colleague from ALL MY CHILDREN Alexa Havinsovou. After his departure this soap opera and soon abandoned her, and together they moved to Los Angeles. In 2010, the birth of their first child, daughter Grace Lexington.
When Justin just wobbles or does not pay rodince spend time with their hobby – collecting konversek. She has more than two dozen.
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