Julie Bishop

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In the period from 1923 to 1957-th Bishop took part in the filming of more than 80 films.
Julie Bishop was born under the name of Jacqueline wells (Jacqueline Wells) 30 August 1914, the year in Denver, Colorado (Denver, Colorado), USA. She used his real name in the work up to 1941. Also once on stage and once in the movie, the actress was introduced under the name Diane Duval (Diane Duval).
Early in his career, Welles starred in several films with Stan Laurel (Stan Laurel) and Oliver hardy (Oliver Hardy), including the comedic short film ‘Any Old Port!’ and the musical ‘the Bohemian girl’ (‘The Bohemian Girl’). The company ‘Warner Bros.’ has offered the actress a contract, but on the condition that she change her name, which was closely associated with its filming almost alone films category ‘B’. So, for 17 years Jacqueline has starred in nearly 50 films, not shining a good budget.
His new stage name, Julie Bishop, a native of Denver, chose a very interesting point. She just didn’t want to change their English initials J. B. on your Luggage; to this some time she was married to writer Walter booth Brooks III (Walter Booth Brooks III). Get the transformation from a married ‘Julie Brooks’ (‘J. B.’) to absolutely free, Julie Bishop (‘J. B.’).
Working with the company ‘Warner Bros.’, Bishop played in 16 films, including her supporting role in ‘Oscar-winning’ Comedy ‘Princess O’rourke’ (‘Princess O’rourke’), the stars of which were Olivia De Havilland (Olivia de Havilland) and Robert Cummings (Robert Cummings). It was on the set of this picture is Julie met her second husband, pilot Clarence Shoop (Shoop Clarence).
By continuing to support the activity, Bishop took on the role of pearl (Pearl) in war drama ‘War in the North Atlantic’ 1943 with the participation of Humphrey Bogart (Humphrey Bogart) and did Gershwin (Lee Gershwin) in a biopic of Irving Rapper (Irving Rapper) ‘Rhapsody in blue tones’ (‘Rhapsody in Blue’), 1945. The last film in her contract with ‘Warner Bros.’ was the Comedy musical Busby Berkeley (Busby Berkeley) ‘Cinderella Jones’ 1946.
In 1949, Julie starred as mother and wife named Mary in a military action of Allan Dwan (Allan Dwan) ‘Sands of Iwo Jima’ (‘The Sands of Iwo Jima’) John Wayne (John Wayne). With him also she played in another military painting, ‘Great and mighty’ (‘The High and the Mighty’) 1954, sharing the success together with laraine day (Laraine Day), Jean sterling (Jan Sterling), Ann Doran (Ann Doran) and Claire Trevor (Claire Trevor).
The Bishop was born one daughter, actress Pamela Susan Shoop (Pamela Susan Shoop), and one son from his second marriage, who, following in his father’s footsteps, became a pilot. The actress died on his 87th birthday, 30 August 2001, in the County of Mendocino (Mendocino), CA.
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