Judy Greer

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Judy Greer – a popular American actress, best known for the roles of the second plan in the successful film “What Women Want,” “The Wedding Planner,” “13 Going on 30,” “The Village,” “Descendants” and others.
Judy Evans Greer was born July 20, 1975 in Detroit, in a Catholic family. Childhood and adolescence Judy held in Livonia, where in addition to the standard school attended dance academy. Judy also graduated from drama school at the University of De Paul. It is interesting that, according to the most Greer, she became an actress only because of the rivalry with his classmate.
“While I worked in theater in high school, but in any case not going to become an actress. But my classmate with whom I would like to compete, said to me once that auditioned in acting school and that it take only 10% of those who listened. Her achievement was a challenge for me. I said, “Really? As the name of this school, you’re talking about? “I went and came back.”
At 22, Judy received a diploma of professional actress, and in 23 – appeared in his first film. Greer played the girlfriend of the main character in the Hollywood comedy “Kissing a Fool” (1998) with David Schwimmer in the lead role. And in the same year he played a minor character in the thriller “Sick” (1998).
One year later, 24-year-old actress appeared on the screen in the lead role in the film “Jawbreaker” (1999), Greer starred with Rose McGowan, Rebecca Gayheart and Julie Benz. The film tells of the unsuccessful drawing of three friends who terminates the fourth loss of their friend in the trunk of the car. The heroine of Greer – zamuhryshka school, learn about the murder. Her friends persuaded her to replace the killed, and as a result the character of Judy soon is the coolest girl in school … this tape the actress showed a wide range of talents. The film was a massive success, in particular, it has been nominated for an MTV Award, which brought the first recognition Greer.
Following the actress began to appear frequently in Hollywood, where the stars of the first magnitude. Although most battered Judy only supporting roles, her numerous episodes helped Greer to become a star. Appearing in major films in small roles, talented blue-eyed blonde pretty soon became popular. So much so that the time of its appearance in the movie did not matter – from the very first scene of the heroine Judy remembered the audience with her charm and touching awkwardness.
Such was her Kathy Date is from an action movie with George Clooney’s “Three Kings” (1999), an unhappy employee Erin wording, which almost killed herself, in the famous melodrama “What Women Want” (2000) with Mel Gibson, a charming romantic Penny of success comedy “The Wedding Planner” (2001) with Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey. The waitress Ellis in “Adaptation” (2002) with Nicolas Cage, first beauty school Luce’s comedy “13 Going on 30” (2004) and a friend of the loser-bachelorette comedy “27 Dresses” (2008).
The peak of her career was the role of the wife of a traitor who has lost faith in man, in Alexander Payne “Fans” (2012), otgremevshego on “Oscar”. In this tape Judy played the lead character together with George Clooney. The actress believes that the role of one of the best in her personal top favorite characters.
It also highlights the role of the other played “their” Alice in the movie “TV” (2006) and school methodologist Becky – the main character of the television series “Miss Guided” (2008). “We made only seven episodes, and no one was looking, but I really liked this character,” – says the actress.
Judy married in 36 years. Her chosen one was the American producer Dean Johnson.
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