Judy Davis

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Australian film actress.
She was born April 23, 1955 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
Judy Davis was born in a Catholic family and was educated at the Loreto convent school. She graduated from the Australian National Institute of Dramatic Art in 1977.
In the cinema since 1976 – he has performed the role of Lily in the short film “The lack of clean straw” (directed by Gillian Armstrong.). His first major role actress – Sybil Melvin in biographical melodrama “My Brilliant Career” (1979, rezh.Dzhillian Armstrong)
Judy Davis earned BAFTA in 1980.
Further career of actress is truly unique in the world of cinema – virtually every role of Judy Davis brought her huge success, and the most honorable award Academies and prizes at international film festivals. Of the fifty roles in film and TV – 36 prizes and awards and 25 nominations for “Emmy”, “Golden Globe”, “Oscar” and other prestigious film awards.
Sincerity, spontaneity combined with the actress in the psychological analysis of the accuracy, versatility, talent and dramatic temperament.
The role in the film “Winter of our hope” (1981, the Australian Film Institute Award, the Prize at the Moscow IFF, 1983) brought the actress a great success, it drew the attention of critics and audiences.
Harriet Sommers in “Kangaroo” (1986), a young Golda Meir in the biographical film “A Woman Called Golda” (1981), Adela Kvested in the adventure film “Passage to India” (1984, nominated for “Oscar”) and a stripper Lily film-drama “Rush” (1987) – the role that marked the high level of acting Judy Davis. These works have been honored with awards and prizes in Australia, the US and Canada.
Among the major actors ‘work’ 90s – George Sand in “Impromptu” (1991), Contessa Mary Lindell in the biographical drama “One Against the Wind” (1992, the prize “Golden Globe”), Audrey Taylor in “Barton Fink” and Joan in “naked Lunch” (both 1991), Sally in the comedy “Husbands and wives” (1992, dir. Woody Allen BAFTA nomination for “Oscar”), Diana in the television movie “Serve and be silent” (1995 Award “Emmy “).
For the role of the great movie stars Judy Garland in the film “Life with Judy Garland” (2001), Davis was awarded the second “Zsolt Globe” and the prize “Emmy” and for his role in the TV series Joan MakLister “compete
Wife “(2007) Judy Davis won another Award” Emmy. “
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