Josh Lucas

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Josh Lucas – American actor, best known acquired thanks to his roles in the films “The game on someone else’s rules,” “The Lincoln Lawyer”, “Red Dog,” “Life as We Know It” and “An Unfinished Life.”
Born June 20, 1971 in Arkansas. His father was a doctor, and his mother worked as a nurse. The family moved often, and by the time Josh was thirteen years old, settled in the state of Washington. There’s Lucas became interested in acting classes in a school group that managed it with great success. As a result, he took a decision not to do after high school to college and went to Hollywood in hopes of becoming a professional actor. Josh actively went on casting and gradually began to accrue to him a small role – as it was noted in the film “Child of Darkness, Child of Light”, “Survive” and “Father Hood”. Acting career developed, soon Lucas began playing in various television series, and was even invited to appear in Australia, he also participated in the creation of computer games Wing Commander III: The Heart of the Tiger. At some point, he briefly left Hollywood and lived in New York, where he attended acting classes.
The first fame came to him in the early 2000s with the release of such films as “American Psycho”, “Dancer”, “The Weight of Water”, “You can count on me”, “At the bottom” and “Ninth session.” Other bright paintings with “A Beautiful Mind” Lucas participation began with Russell Crowe in the title role and “Sweet Home Alabama” with Reese Witherspoon. After that proposals for participation in the new projects have become more active to do. So, in the following years, he starred in the film “The Hulk,” “Stealth,” “An Unfinished Life”, “The game is on someone else’s rules,” “Poseidon,” “Love Management”, “Life as We Know It,” “The Lincoln Lawyer “, “Ginger dog”. Among the last works of the actor can be noted such films as “George. Edgar “and” Medallion “.
Josh Lucas is married to writer Jessica Enriquez, and in June 2012, the couple had a son.
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