John Hurt

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John Vincent Hurt – English actor, was awarded many prestigious awards, including two nominations for “Oscar” award “Golden Globe”, a BAFTA several awards, and a special prize of the Berlin Film Festival. John became famous for his role as John Merrick in the drama of David Lynch’s “The Elephant Man,” Winston Smith in Michael Radford fiction dystopia “1984” Caligula in the miniseries TV Channel Bi-Bi-Si “I, Claudius”. Thanks to the resounding voice of John was involved in the articulation of such animation projects like adventure fantasy drama Martin Rosen “dangerous journey”, a full-length film adaptation of the fantasy novels of John. RR Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”, the narrator in the dramatic thriller by Lars von Trier’s “Dogville” as well as the character of the British fantasy series “Merlin”
John was born January 22, 1940 in Chesterfield. His mother, Phyllis Massey, was a non-professional actress, and basic earnings brought engineer profession, while his father, Arnold Herbert Hurt, received a mathematical education, but went to a church service, becoming a vicar in the town of Shirebrook. Then for several years he has repeatedly changed the parish, and eventually settled in the St. Stephen’s Church in Woodville, in Derbyshire. By the education of his son’s parents approached responsibly and very strict. They were against its joint games with the neighborhood kids, and strictly prohibits many activities. For example, John was not allowed to attend the theater, which was located right in front of their home. When Gert was eight years old his parents sent him to a preparatory school «Anglican St Michael’s Preparatory School», located in Otford. It was there from the time the boy acquired a love of acting.
His first work was the role in a school production of the Belgian playwright and philosopher of the play-parables Maurice Maeterlinck “Blue Bird”. In addition to the positive memories of those years it was overshadowed by John for communication with one of the professors, Donald Cormac, who abused children and even molested some of them, that many had left its mark on the psyche of a lifetime. At the age of twelve Hurt he tried to enter the school, where already he studied his brother, but failed the entrance exams and became a boarder at his father’s church. Then John often accompanied his mother to the theater, where she participated in amateur productions. In spite of his own passion, the parents never approved of the aspirations of his son. Instead of acting career, they offered him to try his hand at least as a teacher of art. One of the school teachers even made fun of John, when he learned about his dream of becoming an actor. Mr. Franklin assured the boy that he did not have the slightest chance of a successful career due to lack of talent. In spite of everything, when Gert knocked seventeen, he entered the «Grimsby Art School» School of Art. In 1959 he won a scholarship that allowed him to move to London and go to «Saint Martin’s School of Art». A year later, he entered the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, where he was a two-year course of study acting. After graduation, the young man began to receive its first small roles in various television projects.
Debut was a role in the melodrama Ralph Thomas’ Wild and hungry. ” The first notable work was the image of Richard Rich in historical drama Fred Tsinnemanna “Man for All Seasons.” During his long career Hurt played about two hundred roles. Most notable among them was the appearance in such films as the drama of Alan Parker’s “Midnight Express”, a drama by David Lynch’s “The Elephant Man”, fantasy thriller by Guillermo Del Toro’s “Hellboy: The hero from hell,” a sci-fi thriller by Ridley Scott’s “Alien” , adventure movie of Steven Spielberg’s “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal skull”, a fantastic dystopia James McTeigue «V – for vendetta,” a detective thriller Thomas Alfredson, “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” dystopia Michael Radford’s “1984”, as well as the series of Harry movies Potter.
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