John Gielgud

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Born April 14, 1904
Date of death May 21, 2000/96 years
Birthplace of South Kensington, London, England, United Kingdom
Awards and Prizes
1 Oscar awards and 1 nomination
1 Golden Globe Award and two nominations
English actor, theater director, one of the greatest performers of Shakespearean roles in the history of theater.
Full name – Arthur John Gielgud.
John Gielgud only one year he studied at drama school Lady Benson and the year – at the Academy of Theatre Arts at Gower Street, but that did not stop him from becoming one of the greatest actors in history. He made his debut in 1921 on the stage of London’s “Old Vic” as Herold “Henry V» Shakespeare. Over the next fifty years, I beat all the major roles of Shakespeare’s repertoire. Many with great success working as a theater director, staged Chekhov, Dostoevsky. The theater has always been a major battleground for Gielgud, and for his roles in the movies he later said, even with a touch of disdain.
John Gielgud starred in the films “Murder on the Orient Express,” “Providence,” “Chariots of Fire,” “The Elephant Man,” “Prospero’s Books”, “First Knight,” “Elizabeth” and others.
He is the owner of all the major performing awards – “Oscar”, “Grammy”, “Emmy”, “Tony”, a BAFTA and a “Golden Globe” (the only actor in the history of man, all award 6 prizes), and the Japanese Praemium Imperiale.
The actor has never hidden his homosexual, with her lover Martin Hensler, he lived for about thirty years.
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