John Belushi

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Acting and musical Duo Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi as the Blues Brothers
The guys themselves have developed their image: baggy suits, ties narrow ribbon, felt hats, black sunglasses – all black. His speech was spiced Blues outdated slang. They started performing in new York clubs and cafes, they often accompanied the band “Room Full of Blues”. In 1977, they warmed up the audience before the filming of the popular TV show “Concert on Saturday night” (Saturday Night Live).On the stage of the late 70’s tossed in punk, new wave, the Blues Brothers looked anohranizm, but this anachronism sparkled absurd humor, love of life. The humor and artistry of “the Blues brothers” compensated for the limitations of my own musical talents so that he was admitted to the main essential part of the concert. Having achieved recognition, “Brothers…” he hurried to invite to your group of musicians who participated in recording their favorite rhythmandblues hits: guitarist Steve “The Colonel” Cropper, bass player Donald “Duck” Dunn (ex-“Booker T.& the MG’s”), guitarist Matt “Guitar” Murphy, Willie “Too Big” Hall Tom “Bones” Malone, Lou “Blue Lou” Marini, and others.
The Blues brothers first announced that their version of rhythm-and-Blues standards “mean nothing” in comparison with the originals. The recording of “the Blues brothers” do not contain musical discoveries, but few have done so much to popularize the Blues. Thanks to their efforts has revived interest to the wider public to the music of Aretha Franklin (Aretha Franklin), ray Charles (Ray Charles), Cab Calloway (Cab Calloway), James brown (James Brown) and John Lee hooker (John Lee Hooker). In the best years in the group “the Blues brothers” played by the veterans of the Blues scene, some of them took part in the recording of those songs that revived the Blues Brothers: guitarist Steve Cropper (Steve Cropper), bassist Donald “Duck” Dunn (Donald ‘Duck’ Dunn), guitarist Matt “Guitar” Murphy (Matt “Guitar” Murphy).
The death of John Belushi March 5, 1982 of a drug overdose seemed to preclude the slightest possibility of the continuation of the story of the Blues Brothers.
Jake Blues – John Belushi (John Belushi: 24 January 1949, Chicago – March 5, 1982, Los Angeles)
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