Jesse Bradford

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Jesse Bradford was born May 28, 1979 in Norwalk, Connecticut. The parents of the actor as well as a son, are related to the film industry. Father Terry rubs filmed for television films and series, also participated in the filming of the commercial gear. Curtis Uotraus mother – actress, frequently played character roles. Thanks to his parents, Jesse first appeared on screen in eight-month age. The first conscious film debut in Jesse Bradford was held in 1984 in the film Love, while the boy was five years old. The actor graduated from Brien MacMahon High School and Columbia University with a degree in cinematography.
Since the 1990s, Jesse takes part in various television series and actively acted in films. For the first time the actor has achieved popularity after the shooting in the movie King of the Hill (1993), participation in which was also attended Elizabeth McGovern and Spalding Gray. In addition, Jesse has worked with Leonardo DiCaprio in the film Romeo + Juliet and Angelina Jolie in the film Hackers. In 2000, there was a film with Jesse Bradford Bring It On, a partner on the set of which was Kirsten Dunst. In 2002, rolling out two truly remarkable film career Jessie – stop time and the fans. Pictures brought the actor a special success and a new wave of popularity.
In addition to acting career, Jesse proved himself as a successful businessman – he is a co-founder of one of the most famous nightclubs in New York. But, despite this, the actor leads a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke and hardly drink alcohol.
The last movie with Jesse Bradford was released in 2014. At the same time, the premiere of the TV series The jury, which also starred actor. About the new projects, which will take part in Bradford, is still unknown.
Jesse Bradford, brown eyes, dark hair on the nature of color, light skin and medium-sized lips. Form oval face, forehead average, curly hair, thick. Jesse Bradford does not change the color of hair, preferring the natural. The actor Medium straight nose and rounded chin. Jesse Bradford sometimes lets his mustache and beard. The growth of the actor – 175 cm, no tattoos.
Zodiac – Gemini (28.05.1979)
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