Jennifer Hudson

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Jennifer Hudson was born on September 12, 1981 in the US city of Chicago, Illinois in the family Darnell Hutson and Samuel Simpson. From an early age, Jennifer dreamed of a career of singer and actress. The girl was talented and aspiring always been involved in activities, performances and social life.
In 1999 she graduated from the Academy of Hudson Dunbar Vocational Career.
The first fame came to Jennifer through participation in the TV show American Idol. But the whole world, it became famous thanks to the film “Dreamgirls,” for the work in which it has received numerous most prestigious awards – including the “Oscar” for Best Supporting Actress, a BAFTA Award and “Golden Globe”. She also recorded the soundtrack to the film. After the “Dream Girls” in her career was the work in the film “Sex and the City,” “Flight of the life-long,” “The Secret Life of Bees” and others.
In 2008 he released her debut studio album, Jennifer Hudson, and immediately brought to the singer award Grammy.
In late 2008, there was a terrible tragedy – his mother, brother and nephew were shot dead singer. For several months, Hudson disappeared out of sight of the press and the fans, and then came back and since then has participated in a variety of ceremonies and shows. She is friends with Barack Obama and not just performed at the White House.
In 1999, Jennifer Hudson began dating James Payton, at that time she was only 18 years old. At that time they had not yet thought about official registration of their relationship, and they decided to leave in 2007. In September 2008, the singer met a graduate of Harvard Otungoy David, in 2009 they had a son – David Daniel Otunga Jr.
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