Jennifer Grey

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Jennifer Gray (Jennifer Grey, 26.03.1960) – American actress. The best known role of Frances ‘Baby’ Haucmen in the hit American movie ‘Dirty Dancing’ ( ‘Dirty Dancing’) and Jenny Byuler in ‘day off Ferris Byulera’ ( ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’).
Although Jennifer and comes from a family with close ties to show business (her grandfather – a famous comedian Mikey Katz and his mother – singer Jo Wilder), a teenager she had a chance to speak not. However, Gray was able to spend a lot of time in the backstage world when her father appeared on Broadway. After school, she studied with Jennifer Senfodom Meissner in drama school ‘Neighborhood Playhouse’. Debut of the girl as a dancer took place in advertising soda ‘Dr. Pepper ‘. On stage she first came as an intern in the New York production of ‘Album’ ( ‘Album’) directed by Joan Micklin Silver; Jennifer will play later in the Chicago version of the play with Alan Cancer, his colleague on ‘The day off Ferris Byulera’. This debut on Broadway was held only in 1993-th, in the ‘Golden Twilight’ ( ‘Twilight of the Golds’) – there Gray starred as an empty woman who has to face the likelihood that her unborn child will be homosexual.
Where Jennifer moved faster career in feature films. She made her debut as a wild Italian girlfriend Daryl Hannah heroine in ‘Fools’ ( ‘Reckless’); was followed by the role of girlfriend of a gangster in the ‘Club’ Cotton ” ( ‘The Cotton Club’), and then – partisan, fighting with Russian and Cuban invaders in an action movie ‘Red Dawn’ ( ‘Red dawn’). By the end of the eighties – after the success of ‘Dirty Dancing’ – she started receiving starring roles; however, potentially successful characters over and over again with a bang failed. Perhaps the problem was that her characters were more lovely than wild sex – this is, unfortunately, at that time did not meet understanding among moviegoers. Gray had ‘singing’ role in the project ‘c Bloodhounds of Broadway’ ( ‘Bloodhounds of Broadway’) with Madonna and Matt Dillon; Next was the main role in the film of 1992 ‘Wind’ ( ‘Wind’) with Matthew Modine – this picture as a failure at the box office. In 1996, out came two more movie with Jennifer – ‘Love knot’ ( ‘Lover’s Knot’) and ‘Portraits killer’ ( ‘Portraits of a Killer’). In both pictures the box shared the sad fate of ‘Wind’.
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