Jay Baruchel

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Jay Baruchel – Canadian actor and musician. It is known for the films “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” and “Million Dollar Baby.”
Born April 9, 1982 in the Canadian city of Ottawa. His father sold antiques, and his mother was a freelance journalist. Jay Full name given at birth – Jonathan Adam Saunders Baruchel. He also has a sister who is five years younger than Jay himself. He was a childhood dream to become an actor, and attended art school in Montreal. When Jay was fourteen, he dropped out to play one of his first roles, it was a Canadian television series “My hometown”. He also lit in one of the episodes of the series “Are You Afraid of tenoten?”. Soon, he was chosen by leading TV program “Popular Mechanics for children”, which, however, left after a year of work for a career in the movies. After a small role in one of the parts of the series “The worst witch” he got the role in the family comedy “Who will get the house?” And then Jay Baruchel reappeared in several episodes of the series “Are You Afraid of the Dark?”.
Jay’s career developed quite smoothly. So, in 2000, he played a minor role in the received high critical acclaim the film “Almost Famous.” Then, with his participation out romantic comedy “Rules of Attraction” and the thriller “Nemesis Game.” But a far greater popularity of Jay Baruchel received after the drama of Clint Eastwood’s “Million Dollar Baby”, the main role in which he performed Eastwood, Morgan Freeman and Hilary Swank. The film received four “Oscar” with seven nominations and two “Golden Globe”. In 2007, the screen will display another successful film, a role in which played Baruchel – youth comedy “Knocked Up.” And published in the same year the film “My name is Reed Fish” Jay has got the main role. Another notable role was his participation with enough star cast in the film “Tropic Thunder.” In the same period, Jay Baruchel takes leading roles in several Canadian films that did not have a widespread success. Among the last works of Jay were the most notable was nominated for “Oscar” cartoon “How to Train Your Dragon,” where Baruchel voiced the main character, and the picture of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” in which he also played a key role in tandem with Nicolas Cage.
Jay Baruchel is also interested in music and even played drums on «Martin» Canadian rock band. He has several tattoos: Celtic cross is depicted on the right hand, forearm written mother’s maiden name, and on his chest maple leaf – a symbol of Canada. About the last Jay once joked that it did when thinking a lot about death, just in case if something happens to him, people would know where to send the body. Currently, the actor lives in Montreal.
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