Javier Bardem

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Spanish actor Javier Bardem (Spanish. Javier Ángel Encinas Bardem) was born on March 1, 1969 on one of the Canary Islands. He was brought up in an acting family, which explains his decision to devote himself to cinema.
Already at the age of six he made his debut. Little Javier Bardem played a role in the film «El Picaro». He studied at the Art School, where he studied painting. he also loved rugby. This passion was so strong that even Javier participated in the Spanish national rugby team. Besides all this, he was a teenager toured the country as part of the theater group and a lot of time was devoted to lessons in boxing.
In 1990, Javier Bardem starred in “The Ages of Lulu”, and took part in the filming of the black comedy “Love, Sex and ham” in two years. The director of both pictures is Bigas Luna. Work in the latter project has brought recognition and actor made famous. Thanks to Javier Bardem noticed he soon won prestigious awards. In particular, he was awarded the national award “Goya”, the Audience Award of the European Film Academy. In 1998, at the Berlin Festival, on the voting audience, he was named best actor in Europe. Such recognition he was due to participate in the film “Perdita Durango”. In 2000, Javier Bardem was awarded the prize of the Venice Film Festival for the execution of them in the film “Before Night Falls” role with gay writer Reinaldo Arenas, who died of AIDS.
It is noteworthy that Javier Bardem is the first Spanish actor, who was awarded the “Oscar” for Best Actor. In addition, among the interesting facts should be allocated as follows. October 25, 2011 his wife – a famous actress Penelope Cruz gave birth to his heir, and the same day he was nominated for the prestigious award “Oscar” for his role in the film “BEAUTIFUL”.
During his artistic career, Javier Bardem is marked in many different awards. Currently, he is considered one of the best movie stars and great demand in modern cinema.
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