Jason Alexander

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Date of birth 23 September 1959
The zodiac sign Virgo
Place of birth Newark, new Jersey, USA
Awards and prizes
Golden globes 4 nominations
8 Emmy nominations
American actor, singer and comedian.
Full name Jason Scott Grinsven.
In 1977 Jason Alexander graduated from language school and enrolled in Boston University, but dropped out in his third year, got a job in new York. Soon, however, changed his mind, graduated from the University and even got a degree. He started his career as a magician, but soon realized that it will not bring him success, and decided to become an actor. He was invited to Broadway, where he participated in musicals and even was awarded the prestigious Tony award in 1989.
The real fame he brought the sitcom “Seinfeld” on television. Known for the films and the TV series “Beauty”, “Eggheads”, “North”, “the twilight zone”, “Hachiko: the Most loyal friend” and others.
Since 1981 married to actress and writer Dana Tittle. They have two sons, Gabriel and Noah.
The actor really enjoys poker and even takes part in poker tournaments.
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