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It is the only city in the world, about which it is impossible to say exactly where he is – in Europe or in Asia. Residents of Istanbul’s lucky to be in a different part of the world, they only need to pass the bridge over the Bosphorus. This body of water is the very line that separates Europe from the Progressive Conservative Asia. However rough the continental divide is hardly appropriate for the city, which surprisingly coexist echoes of different cultures and eras. Here, Muslim mosques – are good neighbors of Christian churches, historic buildings in the narrow streets – the faithful companions of new buildings on the large highways and traditional bazaars gently resonate with modern shopping centers. But in this promiscuity is the charm of Istanbul, is rightly called the heart of the Turkish lands.
According to one version, the modern name of the city of Istanbul comes from the Greek “Istinpolin”, which means “the city” or “the city.” Indeed, the desire to build a mighty city pursued all: the Greeks – its founders, the Romans, making it almost in the center of the world, and finally captured it in the XV century, the Turks. Maybe, thanks to the efforts of all the builders of modern Istanbul and turned out the way it is – a city of colorful contrasts.
The most striking contrast Istanbul – Golden Horn Bay is on the European side of the city. In the south of it The spirit of the medieval past, and in the north – the European Art Nouveau.
In medieval narrow streets among the many found refuge mosques and historical monuments. Once the do not call this area the locals: the old Istanbul and the hallmark of the city, and even a tourist mecca. Officially this area, which is included in the administrative district of Fatih, called the name of the great Turkish ruler – Sultanahmet. It was there that focus the most important sights of Istanbul – Topkapi Palace, the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia and many others.
The new city, as it is called in opposition to the historical Sultanahmet – a district of Taksim. There’s around the square of the same name focused shopping streets, shops, restaurants and trendy boutiques. Not alien to the area and Christian churches. In other words, in Taksim echoing rush echoes of European culture, about which so many tourists dream.
And in the depths of the European part of Istanbul’s reign peace and quiet. There are always glad to travelers who are tired of the old town and the tourist area of Taksim. Under the canopy of shady trees chosen yourself plots for villas rich businessmen and famous artists. That, however, does not exclude the presence in these parts of historical monuments and cultural diversity.
A similar situation prevails and measured in the Asian part of Istanbul – on the opposite shore of the Bosphorus. There hovers real Turkish flavor: you can meet a lot of locals in these parts. Here’s a cocktail of disparate ingredients represents the modern Istanbul. It would seem that a combination of incongruous. But think about it: coming to a town, you get a unique opportunity to learn more than one. This is the proverbial good old romance of Istanbul!
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