Iain Glen

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Birthday: 24.06.1961 year
Place of birth: Edinburgh, UK
Citizenship: Ireland
Height: 183 cm
Jorah Mormont from “Game of thrones”
At home Ian Glen is more famous theatrical roles, but the world public knows him primarily in films and television series; freshest of the ‘mass’ of their role Glen played in the TV series ‘Game of thrones’.
Scottish actor of stage, film and television. Best known for roles in the film series ‘Resident evil’ (‘Resident Evil’) and the role of Jorah Mormont (Jorah Mormont) in the series ‘Game of thrones’ (‘Game of Thrones’).
Glen was born in Edinburgh, Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); he studied at Edinburgh Academy (Edinburgh Academy) is an independent school for boys. Continued training Ian at the University of Aberdeen (University of Aberdeen). Later Glen moved to the Royal Academy of dramatic arts (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) in London; there he was even awarded a gold medal Bancroft (Bancroft Gold Medal).
In 1990, Glen won the Silver bear (Silver Bear) in the category ‘Best actor’ at the International film festival in Berlin (Berlin International Film Festival); the award that brought him the role in the film ‘silent scream’ (‘the Silent Scream’). In the same year Ian received the role of hamlet in the draft by Tom Stoppard (Tom Stoppard) ‘Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead’ (‘Rosencrantz and Guilderstern are dead’); this production won the Golden lion at the international Venice film festival (Mostra internazionale del cinema di Venezia). For his role in the drama ‘The Blue Room’ – where the partner of Ian, by the way, was Nicole Kidman (Nicole Kidman) – actor won the nomination of ‘Oliver’ (Olivier Award). For Ian, by the way, this nomination has already become the second – two years earlier, he had been nominated for the same award for his role in the production of ‘Martin Guerre’.
20 Aug 2009 it became known that Glen will play a major role – Jorah of Mormont in the television adaptation of the popular fantasy Saga by George R. R. Martin (George R. R. Martin) ‘Game of Thrones’ (‘Game of Thrones’).
In 2010, Ian had the opportunity to star in another cult TV series – he played father Octavian in dvuhmestnoe the unit of ‘Time of angels’ (‘the Time of Angels’) sci-Fi show ‘Doctor Who’ (‘Doctor Who’). Then got a role in popular TV series ‘Downton Abbey’ (‘Downton Abbey’); here he played sir Richard Carlisle (Richard Carlisle), publisher of the tabloid boyfriend of one of the heroines.
Ian Glen had a chance to play in the film adaptations of two popular series of computer games; it is interesting that in both cases – and in the movies line of ‘Resident evil’ (‘Resident Evil’), and ‘Lara Croft: tomb raider’ (‘Lara Croft: Tomb Raider’) – Glen has played characters clearly negative.
Released in 2012, the forces of the BBC television series ‘prisoners Wives’ (‘Prisoners’ Wives’), the actor played a Sex, whose arrest for drug trafficking destroys shattered the cozy world of his wife. In 2012, the same Glenn got the lead role in another radio of the novel by Alexander Dumas (Alexandre Dumas) ‘the Count of Monte Cristo’ (‘The Count of Monte Cristo’); together with Ian Dumas characters voiced by a number of prominent contemporary actors.
Relatively recently the Glen with Richard McCabe (Richard McCabe) – became one of the key actors of the short statement ‘Freeloader’ on display at the theater The Old Vic adaptation Mike Poulton (Mike Poulton). It is assumed that the performance will go to 22 February 2014.
Ian Glen is the younger brother of theatre Director Hamish Glen (Hamish Glen); at the moment Hamish works in Belgrade theatre in Coventry (Coventry). In the period from 1993 to 2004, Ian was married to a certain Susannah Harker (Susannah Harker); in 1994 they had a son Finlay (Finlay). Now Glen is Dating actress Charlotte Emmerson (Charlotte Emmerson); they have two daughters – 2007 and 2012-th year of birth.
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