Helen Hunt

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Helen Hunt was born June 15, 1963 in the town of Culver City (CA, USA).
To act in films Helen Hunt began as a child. The real breakthrough was for her starring role in “long-running” series “Mad About You,” for which she received the “Golden Globe” and the four Award “Emmy.” For each new series in this movie her fee was a million dollars – the highest salary teleaktёra in history.
For success on television followed an invitation to a great movie. Her role in the romantic comedy “is not the best” (1997) was awarded “Oscar”. Critics predicted Hunt grand future, but it still had a year to work on the series “Mad About You.” Her subsequent work “Pay It Forward” with Kevin Spacey, “Dr. T.” and “Women” by Robert Altman, “What do women want?” Mel Gibson and “Cast Away” with Tom Hanks were taken less hot.
In 1986 he began a two-year affair with Hunt, Matthew Broderick, whom she met on the set of “X project.”
In 1992 he met Hank Azaria.Posle together lived seven years in 1999, got married, but separated the following year.
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