Hal Holbrook

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Born February 17, 1925 / ’91
Place of birth Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Awards and Prizes
1 Oscar nomination
American actor.
Full name – Harold Rowe Holbrook Jr.
Hal Holbrook was born in the family of Eileen Davenport, vaudeville dancer and Harold Rowe Holbrook older. The parents left him when Hal was two years old. He, along with his two sisters, was raised by his grandfather. He graduated from Denison University in Granville, Ohio.
He began acting in films in the mid 50s. He played more than a hundred roles in movies. Big kinouspehom it was the role of the anonymous informant in the movie “All the King’s Men.” The most famous role actor – Fr. Malone in the horror film “Fog”. He acted in “Hercules” films, “Men of Honor,” “Clan Soparano,” “Lincoln”, “Water for Elephants” and others. For his role in the film was nominated in the “Best Actor” category “Oscar” in 2008 “Into the Wild.”
Hal Holbrook has been married three times and has three children.
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