Gwyneth Paltrow

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Gwyneth Paltrow was born September 27, 1972 in Los Angeles. The father of the future actress Bruce Paltrow was a director. That’s what prompted his daughter to the choice of future profession. It is also a relative of Gwyneth actress Katherine Moennig and member of Congress Gabrielle Giffords.
Gwyneth’s childhood passed in California in Santa Monica. A little grown up, she attended the New York private school for girls. For a while Paltrow devoted to the study of art history. Then he drops everything and completely devoted herself actor’s craft. The first film role – Rebecca in the film “Scream” (1991). This was followed by a little work in the project of a family friend Steven Spielberg’s “Hook.” This popularity came to the actress after the shooting in “Seven” picture. With this film begins and her love affair with the sex symbol of Hollywood Brad Pitt.
“Emma” was published in 1996. Critics took it more or less favorably. This was followed by “Sliding Doors,” “Great Expectations,” “A Perfect Murder,” “Legacy”. Only in 1998, Gwyneth Paltrow received one of the main roles in the film “Shakespeare in Love.” For this work she was awarded an Oscar. After that, it goes without saying, it opened the way to Hollywood. She has participated in such films as “The Talented Mr. Ripley,” “Trainee,” “The Royal Tenenbaums,” “Shallow Hal,” “Austin Powers: Goldmember”, “View from the Top.” In 2005, screens out the film “Proof.” As she says herself, working on her, she put all her soul. No less important for itself, it believes in shooting “Bunch Tannenbaum.”
In addition to the movie, Gwyneth Paltrow is interested in music. In 2000, together with Hugh Lewis, she recorded a single «Cruisin». Two years later the company was Sheryl Crow recorded her album «C’mon, C’mon». In particular, her voice can be heard in the composition «It’s Only Love».
Gwyneth Paltrow met the most handsome men in Hollywood – Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck. Now the actress is married to frontman «Coldplay» Chris Martin. The couple has a daughter Apple and son Moses.
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