Gina Gershon

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Birthday: 10.06.1962 year
Place of birth: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Citizenship: United States
Height: 168 cm
Gina Gershon. Biography
When you look at Gina just remember Raquel Welch, erotic star 60-70-ies. However, Gina, in modern terms, steeper than its predecessor. Loves to take part in Boxing matches and generally wins. Not hiding, visits lesbian clubs and women’s Striptease.
Actress of theatre and cinema. Born in Los Angeles.
Catchy appearance highlights Gina Gershon among colleagues on acting workshop. Burning black eyes, staring at the others with a blatant challenge. Plump sensual lips, krivyaschiysya a sneer. Luxurious black hair cascading on the shoulders. Slender, thanks to a systematic body building, athletic body. When you look at Gina just remember Raquel Welch, erotic star 60-70-ies. However, Gina, in modern terms, steeper than its predecessor. Loves to take part in Boxing matches and generally wins. Not hiding, visits lesbian clubs and women’s Striptease. True, they say, she does it from a purely professional interest. In short, behaving provocatively, nor the little without worrying about how it will be presented in the press.
Gina was born in the heart of the American film industry, in a family of musicians. Becoming an actress had dreamed of since childhood. However, afraid to get lost in the Hollywood crowd first decided to get good acting training. She went to San Francisco and enrolled in the American Conservatory, where he studied acting and dancing. After graduation he was invited to join David Mamet’s and became one of the organizers of the troupe ‘Naked angels’. Gradually it began to invite to the movies. But the role was so small that did not even come under the category of ‘supporting actor’. Participant of a gang of teenagers (‘3.15’), a cheeky photocorrespondents chasing the hero Cruz (‘Cocktail’), aerobics instructor in the ‘red heat’. In 1992 R. Altman instructed her a small role in the film ‘the Player’. And only the TV movie ‘Sinatra’ where Gina played the role of Nancy, the daughter of the famous American singer, helped her out of the shadows, which have passed the initial stage of her career in film.
Truly audiences and critics learned Gershon only in 1995, after the release of the movie ‘Strippers’. She played the diva erotic show Crystal Conners, a very bitchy person, constantly provoking others ambiguous hints and gestures. For Crystal no matter who is to seduce. She – creature is omnivorous. Only in one episode, when the diva and aspiring dancer remember eating dog food in order not to die of hunger on the face of the Crystal appears sad, very human expression. But a minute later she again becomes the Queen of the show, aiming to humiliate my partner. Gershon creates a vivid, memorable character. Besides, she’s a great dancer, demonstrating excellence in this very specific field of pop dance. Accustomed to spending time in gyms, she was not ashamed of his naked body. And it gives her behaviour on screen of particular importance.
Film, forced to talk Gershon as a serious dramatic actress, became ‘the bonding’. Her character Corky is a woman with a dark past, a lesbian, a thief, a criminal. After five years in prison, she goes free and gets working in office on repair of apartments. This mistrustful woman, accustomed to always be on guard can’t resist the charms of its neighbour, which involves Peel in a dangerous criminal fraud. Only a miracle helps her to stay alive. After the ‘Strippers’ Gershon got to read a lot of scripts, which tells of the mores of show business. However, she refused all offers and chose ‘Connection’ because it gave her the opportunity to show off a very different side. Shapeless, covered in mud and paint work pants, with dirty hands and unwashed face, she does not resemble the diva Kristal. If she sought to deceive everyone, this tries to be always invisible. Look askance, uncertain smile, which it seeks to dissociate itself from the annoying attention of others. But life involves her in a devilish whirlwind, experiencing the mind and will. These two diametrically opposite character, played by her with equal persuasiveness, clearly show that Gina Gershon can again and again surprise the public.
Gina Gershon five years later after he gained fame in the role of Corky in the movie “Contact”, admitted that ready to shoot, trained in the gym, which, as it turned out, belonged to a famous rock musician Bob Dylan. And Gershon even had a chance to get sparring partners. “It became clear that it can be great fight. And has great endurance. But when I participated in the training, I first of all thought: “wow, I can’t hit Bob Dylan, especially since he had to go on tour.” Only received from him a blow across the face, I really bashed him. It turned out to be a good sport”.
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