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Geneva (Geneve, Geneva) Switzerland
In the western part of the peaceful and measured in Switzerland, on the shores of the largest alpine lake Leman, which in modern times has been called Geneva, is a small city by Russian standards, Geneva. Comfortable and beautiful city is the capital of the eponymous canton and the largest – the second in the country, although it only about two hundred thousand inhabitants. City characterizes mild European climate and the best in the Old World ecological parameters.
Geneva – city of contradictions and surprising harmony:
Almost half of the Genevans – aliens, but all people living in this beautiful place combines love and respect for their city, which is expressed even in such trifles as a small flag with the emblem of Geneva on each tram car;
City carefully and thoroughly keeps its long history, culture and architectural appearance, but it is looking to the future – in Meyrin, near Geneva, is the center of modern nuclear research Hadron Collider;
Geneva called the cosmopolitan city that is completely apolitical and at the same time on its territory is located the headquarters of the United Nations and other major international organizations.
History of Geneva
Geneva (Geneve, Geneva) city ShveytsariyaIstoriya began in ancient times: in a beautiful area, where the Rhône originates from the mountainous Lehmann ( “big water” in Celtic) people settled more than two thousand years ago. Initially, it was Allobroges – a tribe of Celts, who later replaced the Romans, that their rule has given the city an unprecedented flowering, were constructed aqueducts and roads. In the IV century the townspeople accept Christianity and around the city formed a large diocese.
443 g Geneva year brought the power of the Burgundians and the title of the capital, in the year 534 in the city came to the Franks, to include it in the possession of the Merovingian monarchy, and in the future – the Carolingian Empire. But already in the IX century, the city is transformed into the capital of Burgundy. Despite the claims of many rulers, Geneva since the beginning of the XI century practically ruled by local bishops. The overwhelming influence of the church ended in the Reformation, when Geneva became a republic and the center of Calvinism.
At the beginning of XVII century the city still defended their independence in battle with savoytsami, and now December 11 inhabitants celebrate costumed processions and parades. A century later, Napoleon’s troops seized the city, turning it into the French, but after the fall of the emperor of the citizens of Geneva decision was transformed into the French-speaking Swiss canton, which became the twenty-second in the Confederacy.
An independent and at the same time peaceful character of the city, confirmed throughout its history, has attracted the attention of various international organizations that are already in the second half of the XIX century placed its official representative is in Geneve.
Modern Geneva
Geneva (Geneve, Geneva) ShveytsariyaSovremennaya Geneva has many definitions, which are all at the same time justify and reveal its essence and predestination:
Capital of the World – is the name of the city appeared in use after the UN settled here, the WTO, the Red Cross and other organizations;
Innovation and research center – the city are developing not only nuclear research, but also telecommunications and biotechnology, conducted scientific symposia and forums;
Business Center – belonging to the system of the Swiss banks, democracy and openness attracted the attention of investors and producers, discussing business plans at the showrooms, various industrial exhibitions and fairs;
Cultural Center – rock festivals and photo exhibitions, sailing regattas and world championships;
Center for recreation and shopping – beautiful nature and chic shops, chain of restaurants and small cafes.


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