Ellen Barkin

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Ellen Barkin – a popular American actress, twice nominated for “Golden Globe” for “Changeling” movies and “Broken Hearts”. Also known by the pictures “This Boy’s Life,” “Sea of Love,” “Siesta”.
She was born April 16, 1954 in New York, in a family of chemicals that seller and the administrator of the hospital. Ancestors Ellen originally from Siberia. The girl from childhood dreamed of the stage, but first of all decided to get an education. In the 15 years she has submitted documents to the prestigious College Hunter College on the faculty of dramatic skill. Barkin study paid for yourself, earning a waitress. Then she entered the famous Lee Strasberg acting school. Initially, she dreamed of a theater, but in the end opted for the cinema. “For some reason I thought that the front of the camera can not lie, and the stage can safely be false”, – says the actress. Barkin, in addition to talent, and luck and bright appearance blond porcelain doll, literally sparkling eroticism. In 28 years, she made her film debut – a film by Barry Levinson’s “Diner” (1982), then the actress was noted in episodes tapes “Password” (1982), “Tender Mercies” (1983), “Daniel” (1983). At age 32, she played an attractive lover of the protagonist in the movie “The big thrill.” Filmmakers drew attention to the wild sexuality Ellen and invited her to the role of fatal beauties with tenacious gaze so, cult director Jim Jarmusch cast her in the film “Outlaw”, presented at Cannes. In 1987. Barkin embodied in the drama “Siesta” the role of a brave parachutist, unraveling the mysterious chain of events that preceded the fatal fall, as a result of which she lost her memory. On the set of Ellen I met with the actor Gabriel Byrne, soon they were married, but separated after five years. Barkin, a mother of two children, has continued to delight fans of erotic thrillers: she has never hidden that is not ashamed to undress in the frame. Great popularity brought her criminal-love duet with Al Pacino in the film “Sea of Love” (1989) and the image gangstershi in the film “Johnny Handsome”.
In 1991, screens out the film “Changeling”, where Ellen played a man in the body of a woman who, after his death, returns to Earth to find the love of his life. For this brilliant acting job Barkin won the nomination for the “Golden Globe”. In 1993, in the drama “This Boy’s Life,” it embodies a single mother, to share the freedom to marry with a mean and angry hillbillies, who also hated stepson (the young Leonardo DiCaprio) and was nominated for the “Golden Globe”. In 1997, the actress received the “Emmy” for the TV movie “Broken Hearts”, where her partner on the set was the Oprah Winfrey. In 2000, Ellen married a second time – a businessman Ron Perelman, the couple has lived together for six years.
Barkin, established itself as a Hollywood movie star, continues to act. Among the latter, it is worth noting the work blockbuster “Ocean’s Thirteen”, “West” tape and “Mercy”. In the latter, it appears in an unusual form of a woman cop with lesbian tendencies.
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