Eddie Griffin

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Eddie Griffin was born on July 15, 1968 is acclaimed young comedian who has managed such zparodovat Township celebrities such as singer, who has previously said Prince, Jesse Jackson and Sammy Davis, Jr .. Eddie is twice married, first marriage lasted from 1983 to 1984 and after Secondly, he married Rochelle Griffin (2002-?).
A native of Kansas City in Missouri began outlets in comedy clubs. He moved to Los Angeles, where his blunt humor quickly earned recognition as the successor of the great comedians Redd Foxx and Lenny Bruce. Its outputs at the famed Comedy Store club brought him on television screens – specifically to HBO specials “Voodoo Child,” “One Night Stand” and “Def Comedy Stand”. Also featured in the comedy series “Malcolm & Eddie”. For Griffin film achievements worth mentioning Prcka smaller role in the blockbuster Armageddon catastrophic or major role in the black comedy Foolish.
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