Drake Bell

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Jared Drake bell is an American actor, comedian, musician and singer, announcer and producer, Director of TV projects.Known due to the main role in the youth series “Drake & Josh”s
Drake bell was born on 27 June 1986 in the small town of Santa Ana, California. The boy was the youngest child in the family: he grew up with three brothers (Joey, Robert and Travis) and sister Kelly. All the children were proud of the famous cousin of father Heath Justin bell– baseball player, who played in the majors for the Diamondbacks team. Mother of Drake, Robin Dodson, achieved fame as a professional Billiards player.
First role on television Drake got when he was ten years old. He appeared in the American Comedy series Carmen Finestra “Big repair”, filmed by ABC TV in 1994. A year later Bella was approved for the main role in the fantasy feature film “Missing school”. Immediately after that, he played in the drama of Terence Davies ‘ Neon Bible, which is claimed to be the “Palme d’or” at the Cannes film festival. In 1996, on the screens out Comedy-drama Cameron Crowe’s “Jerry Maguire”, about a talented businessman and his fight with competitors. On one platform with the young Drake were such “stars” like Tom cruise, Renee Zellweger, Cuba Gooding, Jr. The film received critical acclaim and several nominations for the award “Oscar”. In the same year, the audience could see Bella in the biographical tape Jordan Brady “dill scallion”. In 1997, the actor took part in the anthology of James Stephen Sedita “Gun”, where starred Carrie Fisher, Daryl Hannah, Randy Quaid, Martin sheen. A few years later Drake was invited to the westerns of John Bedema “Jack bull” with John Kusaka in the title role. Within a year, the actors met again– in a musical Comedy, Stephen Frears ‘ “the Fanatic”, based on the novel by nick Hornby. Here bell played the main character in his youth. Tape claimed the award “Golden globe”, BAFTA and a Grammy. Then the audience saw Drake in the family sports Comedy Dan Guntzelman “Games of the past.”
His next great work was the Central role in the sitcom Dan Schneider’s “Drake & Josh”, which tells about the lives of two stepbrothers. Partner of the Grapnel on the show was another comedian, Josh peck. In 2005, Drake was found at one site with Dennis Quaid and Rene Russo in the film Raja Gosnell “Yours, mine and ours”. In 2008, bell played a key character in the parody film “Superhero movie” and also starred in the Comedy Dub of Hagana “College”. One of his last works was a leading role in the fantasy film “the fairly oddparents: Grow up, Timmy Turner!” and its sequel “Christmas with magical parents.” In 2012, Derek played one of the most important characters in the musical, bill Woodruff “the Rags”.
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