Dota2 : Zeus

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Zeus – unrealistically strong nuker and also a favorite of all the able-bodied.
This character has a very strong prokastom. Able to pour a ton of damage in the batch. In my opinion, it is not tech support, since the presence of a few key items can kill vrazhin under the fountain.
What is the power of Zeus? Haras! It should always first a little prodamazhit opponent, followed by a bunch of key 1 and 2 Skills + Remote Control. Therefore, the downside of this hero, I’ll take the impossibility of instant kill, but in the long mixing, all the while sipping Botley.
How and by whom Zeus of doubling
Early game. Zeus the online will not be considered, because with Leon, he did not take out and use a lot will not. Our problems begin with Zeus at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Few podfarmit, APNET lvl 6-7 and go gank. Who can stand against the mid Zeus, while still having the same potential gank? Viper Viper, Huskar Juzcar – have passivki reduce magic damage, Ember_Spirit Amber, Templar Assassin Templarka, Puck Puck, Night_Stalker Balanar. In principle, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Zeus’s okay, we do not just Tarim Botley, take runes and kill Zeus himself, because he has absolutely no iskeypa. In Hanka on the line, if we have less than 500 hp, the waste under the tower and climb to the front, otherwise there is a risk of catching prokast Zeus.
Mid game. As for Kerry, effective Zeus them murder will only BKB BKB. I recall that Zeus – cotton wadded 1 of 1 die from almost every carry, the main thing to have BKB BKB or Linken’s Sphere link. For example, Weaver Weaver with Linken’s Sphere links and Desolator Dezoly kill Zeus in about 4-5 strokes. Scary Kerry for Zeus – is Anti-Mage Counterspell (burn out of mana with prokasta), Phantom Lancer Phantom Lancer (zabem copies and burn out Diffusal Blade mana diffusion), Phantom Assassin Mortra (everything is clear), Lifestealer Layfstiler (built BKB BKB + slowing = Easy frag throughout the game), Weaver Weaver (Linken’s Sphere Link + Desolator Dezoly, kill a couple tychek, do not forget that Zeus will shine us skillami, so strongly do not excrete), Riki Rica (Salo from the clouds + Diffusal Blade diffusion and Skull Basher Basher), Ember_Spirit Amber Spirit (Skill 3 – protection from damage and the effect of the magician Radhika + jump and link). On the other, he can carry Force Staff forstaffnutsya or make m-out, but these no mixing, no 1 1 no chance to survive. Also, at this stage of the game, our healer classes or tanks can buy Pipe Pipe of Insight – a great team against Zeus thing, because when activated gives each teammate standing next to resist as much as 400 units of magical damage.
Late game. The usefulness of Zeus pour drops sharply. We bought all the full, we have too much health + lots of damage to the hand + BKB BKB. Even if Zeus podfideli, pour it in very simple and can be zafokussit drained first.
To summarize: we need to carry or passives to reduce magic damage, or quickly bought BKB BKB or Linken’s Sphere Link. It is advisable in the early stages of the game do not fall under the focus of Zeus, pour it first. When we attempt to naharasit before the final prokastom – depart from online. Ideal heroes with integrated deceleration or iskeypom. Greatly facilitate the killing of Zeus Skull Basher Basher and Desolator Dezolyator. Advanced players can try dizeyblit Zeus via Silence, for example, Orchid Malevolence Orchid.
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