Dota2 : Wraith King

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Mad King Ostarion whole life searching for a way to become immortal. Not a huge empire, nor the mighty walls and towers could not save his body forever.
The solution found in the king of ancient magic. In contrast to the flesh, the soul lives eternally. What will happen if collect enough souls to keep alive the body.
Ostarion ordered to collect as many souls as will his subjects. That night, killed a lot of brave warriors who sacrificed their souls narcissistic King. Slaughter went down in history as the ghosts of the night.
King collected enough souls, and the ritual is successful, the next morning Ostarion reborn Wraith King, mighty ruler, which requires fidelity, both in life and after.
During the battle, the new king gives a piece of perfume for Wraithfire Blast, which envelop the enemy and do not let him get away from the place or do something.
Even after the ghost of the Night, Ostarion craves even more deaths. With each blow Vampiric Aura pulls vitality enemies.
King no longer felt the old man’s tired, his body filled with energy. Movement again quickly, and strikes have become a huge force. From a Mortal Strike the enemy has a chance to die on the spot.
Every part of the body Wraith King imbued with immortal spirits of energy, so the king’s body is able to rise from the dead and then go into battle. Enemies Reincarnation surprised everyone, because after Ostarion born with a full supply of life and energy and ready for new battles, while opponents are tired and can not defend themselves.
The king can not be friends, it only subordinates, so all the characters, which will help him to dominate others, will be considered friends.
There are heroes who are against the immortality of Wraith King, one of Lion. He can pick up the king a large number of souls, and that as a result, will not be able to reincarnate.
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