Dota2 : Witch Doctor

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In a battle no one pays attention to the little hunched Zharvakko of Arcturus island. Incomprehensible figure with a stick is lost among the mighty warriors with swords and spears.
His skills are based on ancient spells, mysterious amulets, voodoo rituals, and other, unintelligible ordinary man, magic. You can not notice it, but it does not take power is a fatal mistake.
For the Allies it would be the savior and healer, and for enemies – powerful sorcerer, who will make their body shudder from many curses. Knowledge that Witch Doctor collected several lives may not be as accurate as that of the great magicians, but their effectiveness is acknowledged by all.
Magic powder Paralyzing Cask – a mixture Zharvakko allies bones soaked vitality, and a bit of tropical grasses, which the doctor collected himself on distant shores. Particles of this potion briefly paralyze enemies.
Shamans on the island of Arcturus is not only famous for their curses. It is important to treat all who turn to him for help. Datura allow grass Witch Doctor to send their forces Voodoo Restoration through its allies, and to maintain their vitality.
Those who met Zharvakko day, trying not to fall over his eyes. Various curses cause to regret that they came to battle against voodoo shaman. Maledict may be applied to multiple opponents, which only increase the fear of this hero.
Often you can observe how the Witch Doctor is dancing in the ritual dance in the middle of the battle. Madness? Maybe. But in fact, Death Ward encourages dreams of spirits and draw the huge anger against the enemies Zharvakko.
To the enemies are fully aware of the full force and might of flea Witch Doctor, he needs good allies, who will be able to keep the enemies away from the shaman as he conjures. To do this, fit well Enigma or Faceless Void.
Though the shaman uses unconventional magic, but still magic, so Anti-Mage to hunt for him and his allies. If he gets to Zharvakko, it will have little chance of survival.
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