Dota2 : Weaver

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The universe is much more complicated than anyone can imagine. Many secret and invisible threads connect all parts of the worlds, not allowing them to be destroyed.
Some weavers constantly maintain these relationships, bonding ripped and strengthening the weak. Darkspawn, on the contrary, tried to destroy the thread and break into small pieces of the universe. Where the thread is torn, weavers could not watch the evil, and it begins to multiply.
Weaver was responsible for one of the sites, which is strongly attracted to the darkness. They constantly interfere with the weaver, but he did not give up and always return everything to the former state.
Unfortunately, repetitive actions over the centuries rather tired Skitskuru. He decided to not only repair, but also to create, and to do this it was necessary to break the old yarn universe. It is considered a betrayal and Weaver expelled from the ranks of the weavers.
Finally, Weaver became free and no one can forbid him to build his own world, only the world that sheltered him, should perish.
To speed up the process of destruction of the threads of the universe, Weaver urges army of little bugs The Swarm, who are hungry, dig into the fabric of this world, accelerating the process of destruction. They may destroy not only the thread, but the enemies that will try to stop Weaver.
Working on the matter of the universe, the weavers had to pass through the space and movable between a large number of worlds. Shukuchi allow open space tunnels to the battlefield and to pass through living matter opponents.
Web universe has a huge size, and to accelerate the process of mending yarn weavers mastered the art of the time change, from which their actions take place in the past and the future simultaneously. Geminate Attack The same procedure applies only for military purposes and application damages double.
When reality is not the scenario, it is necessary to Weaver, it just breaks the thread of time and begins to build again. Time Lapse weaver moves back in time, as if the future was not.
If a supreme being is trying to destroy the universe, is behind this mighty force. Only true believer Omniknight can help him in this shamelessly.
But even the tunnels of time and the universe Wide Web Weaver does not help to escape from the bounty hunter Bounty Hunter. If the killer was a contract that promises a reward for the weaver, he will pursue it at any point of time.
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