Dota2 : Viper

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Nezerdreykov Race millions of years lived in huge caverns beneath the earth. Vipers managed to escape only by a mage.
Wizard Viper closed in the cell and began to study the strange creatures. Strong poisons monster could serve for a variety of potions and chitin carapace allowed to work off any attack on the poor pet.
Viper endured all as long as understand that black magic did not stronger than its toxins. Over time, its acid corroded the iron bars and Nezerdreyku allowed out of the cell.
Magician immediately he paid for his cruelty. He could not save any spells when Viper threw him his most powerful poisons.
Realizing its strength, the hero went in search of those who dare challenge him.
Walls Nezerdreykov caves were completely covered their acids are lethal for other creatures. Every breath Poison Attack allocates a small amount of toxins that corrode any steel.
In the battle Viper makes your enemies move away from the last attack and immediately causes the next blow that will be even more dangerous than the previous one. Nethertoxin deeper into the blood of the enemy, greatly reducing his vitality.
A small but numerous glands on Viper body, acid is released in order to protect the creature from any attacks. Thanks Corrosive Skin skin begins to burn enemies and swords and armor rust eyes.
The magician, who kept the Viper in a cage, experienced the strongest poison from the arsenal of the protagonist. Viper Strike spreads much faster than any known toxin and affects the most important organs rather than the opponent will be able to ask for help.
The only creature that is not afraid of the terrible acid Viper – Venomancer. He drains the least weak poisons. However, they can not be afraid to do harm to each other, but the enemies should stay away from them.
You can not fight the impunity Viper, in any case, he will be able to allocate their poisons. But Shadow Shaman does not think so. Maybe with Nezerdreykom fight will turn out not very safe, but it is with chicken on shoulder. Magic tricks and witch work against these terrible monsters.
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