Dota2 : Tusk

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History Tusk
Ymir, known as the Tusk, a native of the northern lands, namely the city of metallurgists called Kobold. Outside of Ymir is a bit like a mixture of walrus and polar bear. Also, he has long been familiar with the Crystal Maiden, because, as she, Tusk once lived on the glacier with his tribe. Metal ax that helps him fight was made by Ymir, when he still lived in the city of Kobold. But, after leaving their native places, he began to wander through the world, seeing the many places visited by many and many with whom he fought. He became famous invincible warrior who can stand up against even the most powerful opponent.
One Tusk wandered into a village called “Wolf’s Hole”. Many people know that in these places were clandestine fights, and that the winner of these fights local works as a bouncer in the tavern. Taking myself a mug of ale, Tusksel and watched the scene. Locals were amateurs fight and quarrel beat each other faces. It was fun to watch all of this, but after a while one of the visitors pretty drunk and decided to go to the Ymir. He did not know that the northern wind and frost hardened Tusk and that to defeat him in a fight is not so simple.
An hour later, the crowd of visitors has beaten lying on the floor, and Tusk finished off another guy taking the money won. After all Task sat down at a table to rest and to drink his ale, but then he was approached by a bruiser named Rigvarl and said. “Something I do not like your tusks.” Tusk grabbed by the collar, he immediately got in the face and bounced. At that moment, the whole tavern began to fight. Someone fought among themselves, and Tusk and Bristlbek their way to each other through the crowd.
Their fight was not long. Tusk with one punch knockout Rigvarla sent in and began to cut down the rest. To somehow soothe the fight, the innkeeper suggested Tusk deal. If he is invincible in battle, let him go to the fields of ancient battles. No matter which side, if only a victory for him. In retaliation, the innkeeper suggested soundly serving of drinks on the house. Ymir, without thinking twice, agreed and set off. Later Bristlbek woke up and went after him in the field of ancient war in the hope of revenge for the humiliation.
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