Dota2 : Treant Protector

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Far away in the mountains, which lie to the Valley of Divination and further away from the bay, where Timbersaw lived, live ancient defenders. There also, the sacred land, which they guard against intrusions from the outside. Tall trees, dense vegetation, all live in peace and tranquility, all around there is a balance.
Ancient advocates see to it that no one dared to go beyond this land and to ensure that nobody could step on it. The power possessed by the ancient, allowing to heal all living things, to protect plants from harmful attacks, literally enveloping their magical aura. To become a defender of the tree, you need to not only be able to walk, but also to come from an ancient family of the Trees Defenders. And he was the only one named Rooftrellin.
To the young Rooftrellin could reach the size of their brothers, must go through many centuries. As he grew up, he had been taught. He knew a lot of magic, healing and stealth.
While in its closed little world, ancient and did not know that the land around them is changing, there are new technologies that can be detrimental to their world. For many centuries they lived in peace and tranquility, yet to their lands did not hear the sounds of axes, the smoke of fires and hunters with guns. Ancient worried and decided to think about that problem, why are these small and fragile beings are greedy, and what they have on our land?
It has been almost a century before the old decided it would do. They sent only one defender to the outside world by the name Rooftrellin, because he was one of the best defenders. He became invisible, gathering information, and all the elders passed. He soon learned that the residents of Bay Divination decided to invade their land with their saws and axes to prepare for more trees in the winter. We had to do something, and the defenders decided to rebuff strangers.
Coming out of their forests, ancient began to break camp lumberjacks, and then went to the city where they lived. Break down the walls, they began to tear down and destroy everything that was in their way. No one knows whether or not involved in the raid on the citizens of this city Rooftrellin, but he and his family all became enemies of the inhabitants by the name Timbersaw. Rooftrellin went to war to learn about the world even more and realize his dream – to make the world green.
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