Dota2 : Tinker

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Boush was a native of the people, who was known for his wit and love of mechanisms. They spent most of the time in the laboratory, researching various natural phenomena.
Completely denying the magic, they have ceased to be afraid and lost vigilance. A huge underground laboratory run by Professor Boush, has been studying the laws of nature. In this case they have achieved significant results, allowing them to discover the unknown portal to another dimension.
The portal has brought to the purple dress only horror and suffering. Because he did not appeared hordes of demons or other enemies, because he pulled the black mist that showed the biggest nightmares of people.
Many great people have not returned from the mist. One only Tinker managed to escape, using their knowledge and skills. From improvised he assembled the mechanism, which was truly a genius invention.
Using a common laboratory laser Boush strengthened energy and managed to get a weapon of immense power. Laser capable in one moment to incinerate any target Tinker.
Any object can become a weapon in the hands of the professor. So small rocket launcher was the Heat-Seeking Missile, rocket in which they themselves are targets for destruction.
In a terrible fog Tinker lost any chance to find his lab, but he managed to catch her signal and cause the radio-controlled robots March of the Machines. Previously, they assisted in the research, and now turned into a terrible weapon.
While in the mist, Boush unable to use solar energy to power its machines, so the mechanism is fully working on batteries. When active actions of the charge ends quickly and the machine is switched off. To avoid embarrassing situations, a professor came up with the Rearm mechanism, which immediately replace the batteries with new, rocket charges and applies a voltage to the laser. Now his Tinker ready to fight with any terror.
Mist – is not the most terrible enemy Boush because it sends only a horrible dream. Really terrible enemy is Silencer, which can turn off all machine control and disable it.
Any character that is able to protect Tinker, when it is weak, it will be an ally, but more often, Boush fights alone.