Dota2 : Timbersaw

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He has never been either a forester or woodcutter. He loved nature, mighty oaks, who looked up, beautiful flowers exude a pleasant fragrance. In the bay, where he lived, everyone was happy and friendly, yet not come a terrible day.
The strongest knock woke up the whole city, no one could understand what was that noise, all ran out of their houses to see what was going on. What they saw, all plunged in horror. Huge vines entangled stems of the wall that protected the city, and then burns the main gate, the crowd surged into the city of trees. It was the only entrance and exit. Trees were reasonable and piled out, so no one can get out. But all the inhabitants plunged into the horror that the trees could not only walk, but also to kill. They grabbed their huge branches of city residents and gripped the stranglehold. Many were simply crushed. Like a living vine branches entangled the whole city, and demolished the house. No one knows why this happened.
Rizzrak saw it all, he was terrified, his legs would not obey and he could not take a step. But something seemed to shifted in his head, and he realized that he must survive. Survive and revenge. He ran home, he grabbed an ax to cut through the branches and get out of town. No one knows that he had to go through and see, but still was able to escape, fleeing from the city.
After these events Rizzrak was never the same. His mind clouded, he began to hate the walking trees, and when he closed his eyes, he saw all the murders and horrors.
Outside the city there was a workshop of his uncle. In Timbersaw I had an idea to create a drinking-suit with which he will be able to take revenge, and his mind finally find peace for many months. Rizzrak all did not sleep, he worked in the studio of a work of art. He forged, hollowed and constructed. In the stillness of the night was heard the noise of tools. And soon he finished drinking-suit, it remains only to sharpen the blade and go for revenge.
But not so easy as we think. Events in the Bay of Divination left a huge mark on Rizzraka – he was afraid. I was afraid to see again the trees, afraid of what they catch him and kill him. At the same time, he realized that he there’s no escape, and no one would do it but him. Gathering his thoughts Rizzrak sat for more convenient, take both hands on the levers, and began to move. Assembled them alive mechanism, he dutifully fulfilled that wish Rizzrak.
“Finally the day came when I avenged that damn piece of wood” – Rizzrak thought, and went to saw all the trees and plants that demolished his family home and all who Stavan on his way. Those who saw Rizzrak disposes of the accursed tree, gave him the nickname – Timbersaw. Since then, as it is called. Rumor has it that Rizzrak went to war to avenge one of the oldest trees of – Treant Protector.
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