Dota2 : Tidehunter

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At all times, it was the battle for control of trade routes, because it brings a lot of money. Not everyone knows that the battle took place not only on the water and on land, but underwater.
depths residents tried to seize all the bodies of water, but if the water they had to fight against the same, as they are, then waited on the surface a lot of unknowns early creatures.
Leviathan was one of the leaders of the war against the people of the sea. In the decisive battle, killing all the ships of each of the parties.
Since then, Tidehunter roams the world in search of the last survivor of that battle. He remained unfinished business with the legendary Admiral Kuhnke.
Sea God Leviathan Maelrun gave power over the sea itself, allowing overcome with the help of water Gush most dangerous opponents.
Mighty Tidehunter was the most skilful and dangerous of all of the underwater world, he could single-handedly fight against entire squads of enemies. Its protective Kraken Shell reflect all the blows of swords, harpoons and pistol bullets.
With each defeated the ship, the Leviathan itself takes the trophy. It could be anything, the main thing that it was possible to fight. Most often it is the anchor of the ship, which is a sea monster to start up on the bottom. Waving Anchor Smash in different directions, Tidehunter not allow Braga get too close.
Win Kunqu Leviathan help underwater god Maelrun who sank a large number of ships, Admiral. Since then, the sea monster helps Tide as Ravage, without losing its former strength and is able to sink the whole fleet.
Taydhanter very well may distract the enemies, forgetting about the threat from the other allies of the sea giant. This gives a good opportunity for the application of all abilities Dark Seer.
Hunter Lifestealer formidable opponents, although not swim, but be able to quickly deal with Leviathan on land.
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