Dota2 : Terrorblade

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It is hard to imagine, but even hell has its own rules and laws, for violations punishable by very cruel.
In a place where the darkest souls gathered in a world where violence and murder are not crimes, Terrorblade managed to violate all laws and angered most of the nobles of hell.
What could be worse than being in Hell? But Terrorblade convinced that even in hell is a place worse. Prison for such it was another dimension, from which escape is impossible.
To make suffer fiend, measurements show them their twisted souls. Terrorbleyda But it was fine, he was able to make their weaknesses to their advantage, he subdued the weakness that killed the other demons.
This enabled him to acquire unprecedented power and fury that helped destroy Terrorblade measurement-border prison and escape to freedom.
Watching as your own soul killing of other demons, marauder realized that everyone is their worst enemy. Reflection gives you a chance to fight with his dark, “I” and determine the strength of his spirit.
If Terrorbleyd managed to defeat his dark side, then the other it will not do. Releasing piece Conjure Image outward demon feels their opponents in a duel against a few, such as it is.
It is not known how much time spent Terrorblade in another dimension before the escape. Only he alone knows how much rage gained his soul. But when Metamorphosis takes over, the hero is transformed into a truly mighty creature.
What’s the best thief can steal the hell? Perhaps the most valuable thing you have. There is nothing more standing than life. Terrorbleyd easily picks up the remnants of the enemy’s soul, thus fueling his anger. Sunder does not take away all the power of life, the thug prefers to leave the exhausted enemy to prolong his agony.
The power of the marauder allows him to deal with any enemy, and the only thing that can save the enemy – it is an escape. Any character that does not allow him to escape, will be a great ally for the demon.
Terrorblade worst enemy – the one who locked him in prison. Shadow Demon can still drive the soul of a bandit in another dimension.
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