Dota2 : Spectre

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Sometimes, in the fields of battle, there are strange shadows being who fights harder and fiercer anyone who would be there was not.
Mercurial is the strength and consistency of insanity all who are in the heat of battle. Her spirit always yearns for battles, so Spectre takes physical form and enters the fray.
In the battle of her consciousness separated, trying to take part in each duel, each death. But over time, the spirit realizes that he is a true Mercurial that around only copies.
To save your eternal form remains of her personality every time you need to collect and continue to battle on. For it is above all matter, it is above all.
Pierced the soul of the enemy’s shadow dagger Spectral Dagger, Spectrum watches from it gradually go all vitality. The shadow frightens mortals, but attracts the spirits and ghosts to the wounded soldiers.
The only thing that can save the enemy in a battle with Mercurial – is that it will be not the true form of the spirit, and all only a copy. Otherwise Desolate Warrior condemn to certain death at the hands of the grand spirit.
Spectre enters the mind of the enemy, tying him with his energy. This allows the force to cause pain from damage caused by the spectral body, the one who stabbed. Dispersion can kill yourself if you will be weaker in spirit than Mercurial.
Particles of consciousness spectra of digging out and begin to pursue all those who most want to live. Only the strongest men will be able to survive the separation Haunt and, if next to them would be not true Mercurial. Otherwise they are doomed to destruction.
Raging Spirit Vengeful Spirit feels just fine next to the unlimited power of Mercurial. These are the heroes not only reinforce each other, but also to weaken the enemy.
That the spectrum is not harming anyone, her mind is enclosed in sleep prison where she is being persecuted eternal nightmares from Bane. This opponent is rather weak physically, but his magic spells capable upokoit fiercest opponents.
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