Dota2 : Sniper

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History Sniper
Far away in the mountain valleys called Knoll lives funny folk first-class hunters. They live only in hunting, honing your shooting skills to excellence. They hunt mainly on the strange rock creatures, firing them, until they climb the vertical cliffs just above their village. And then prepare them knollensky excellent soup, which is very much appreciated outside their lands. Many even come from far away just to taste this delicacy.
In this village lives a prominent and legendary hunter named Kardelj sharp-eyed, which is considered the best shooter of all time. Thanks to his skills, he was called Sniper. His grandfather was famous for producing excellent ammunition for shotguns, but he never fired a rifle. Once he saw Kardelj in his four-year she picked up the gun, and since then he called his great future excellent shooter.
Once Kardelj was five years old, he was immediately given to the training of firing. He was younger than all but already showed excellent results, always knocking ten out of ten. As time went on, and grew Kardelj. He was chosen out of the village to hunt for a dangerous and rare creatures.
Unlike many countries where the form of government is a monarchy, such as scrapping and Elsa, the valley Knoll all obey the elders. And every year on the orders of the elders of the graduates must undergo the ritual, the essence of which is to shoot from a high cliff at the bottom of the valley and into the animal. If he misses, you will live with the shame to the end of his days. But if he falls, he will become a full member of the village and will be in everyone’s favor.
you need a special weapon, and it was for such an important event. According to tradition, every inhabitant of the village who knows how to shoot a gun, had to do with her hands. Kardelj and started to create, barely having time for the ritual. The gun was first class, no one has ever seen such a high-quality and fine workmanship. Also it has advanced engineering thought it a step further by attaching one barrel for shrapnel. Now it was clear no one can hide from him, even through the wall. Weapons created for itself, is a continuation of the hands of the arrow, so Kardelj had to get there.
He began the ritual arrows one after another fall, and now it was his turn. Without thinking, Kardelj climbed to a high rock, took aim and was about to shoot the animal something scared and it ran away. It was necessary to kill him, until it was lost from sight. And now, after a moment, the animal disappeared behind the rocks, but Kardelj still shot. The bullet flew not to the right place. First she hit the rock behind the animal, but then ricocheted. To learn Kardelj was a ritual or not, the elders walked down into the valley. What was their surprise when they saw the animal’s corpse. The crowd cheered and praised Kardelj. He did so masterful shot that no one believed in it, but the roar of the crowd and dancing muted voice of the elders, who saw that the bullet hit the animal in the eye and lodged in the jaw.
Already long ago people Knoll believes in an ancient prophecy that one day will be a young man, whose abilities are superior to all others, and that he would bring disaster to the entire village. But that prophecy has not come true, he had his merits in the battles to celebrate a great nation Knoll, after which he could return. And that is why he was expelled from the village. There is no greater sorrow is to be expelled his own people. All driven by all cast out, he went in search of the great battles.
He has roamed the earth. He even had a chance to come together in a duel with one of the knights of the Order Vegirskogo where after the victory, he tore his banner and is now using it as a cloak. So would he wandered over the world, but he had the opportunity to meet with two of his race. It was Tinker and Klokverk, who told him about the holy war of the two stones. And now nicknamed Kardelj sharp-eyed sharp-eyed sniper took aim at his next victim.
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