Dota2 : Slark

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Dungeon Dark Reef – the most cruel and impregnable cage for the most dangerous criminals underwater. No prison in the land can not boast of such a security system like this.
Its walls are covered with sharp corals, and the corridor without stopping moving guards. The main question that tormented captives is not how to escape, and how to survive in this horror.
The cameras in the prison did not see the slightest hint of daylight. It is in total darkness and fear spent a lifetime Slark. No one remembers what he got here, but he was never drawn to share it with others.
It is hard to imagine so secretive and cunning criminals as Slark. Even when some prisoners planned an escape, he did not show, and mind. All who wish to join the rebellion, quickly eliminates most plotters.
On the day of the shoot, most of the prisoners were killed in custody, and the rest were executed publicly. No one noticed the disappearance of the quiet Slarka that slipped past the guards.
Since then he has gone down in history as the only one who was able to escape from the prison of the Dark reef.
These reptiles as Slark, able to regenerate his powers and some damaged organs, if there is danger to life. Fugitive not only purifies himself, but also causes damage to enemies during the Dark Pact.
When you have to survive among the most dangerous thugs of the underwater world, the weakness could be a fatal mistake. “Beat the first and never abandon” – the motto was in Slarka. Pounce allowed to shock even the most ferocious warriors.
Thoughtless application attacks is not suitable for Slytherin cunning, he prefers to know more and more the weaknesses of his opponents, with each stroke Essence Shift.
The mere sound of rebellion will not be enough to escape from the prison of the Dark reef. It happened so many escape attempts, but they did not end successfully. Slark could not rely on luck. Shadow Dance allowed to be meek and literally merge with the shadow in the endless dark corridors.
Few can understand what’s going on in the soul Slarka, after long years of imprisonment. One thing is clear for sure – he hates everyone. This rage and attracts the strongest warriors of the world. After all, with such a strong ally Clinkz can work wonders, killing enemies one by one.
Catch the shadow is not possible, it will say everything. Not Tiny, it can pulverize the small fish Slarka.
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