Dota2 : Slardar

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Underwater world holds many secrets and treasures that always want to catch crooks on the surface. Slardar one of those who are called to protect the flooded corridors of ancient cities.
Dark corridors of the lost treasures of centuries beckon various thieves, but the Slytherins are well protected secret treasures. In order not to get lost in the dark, you need to stay close to the light. Slardar has a luminous lure, which is a false hope for the insolent, who decided to rob the underwater inhabitants.
If someone manages to steal something from under the nose Slardara, he is forced to rise to the surface and find the thief. I do not envy the one who decided to challenge this mighty custody. The years spent under a huge body of water, made his body weak immune to attacks and strokes are no longer slowed down water resistance crush any opponents.
Though Draco has no limbs to move, Sprint helps to move with great speed, using his powerful tail.
Mighty blow of his body on any surface, makes the earth shake Slardar. Enemies shocked Slithereen Crush, a stop on the spot and fear can not move.
Bash blows so strong that they are able to cut down the enemy. Formerly great force holding back the water column, but the surface does not limit the power of Slardar attack.
Little fireflies help guard navigate the dark corridors flooded, and during the battle is not allowed to lose sight of a single enemy. Amplify Damage shows not only the location of the character, but also its weaknesses.
In choosing allies Slardar does not trust anyone except their relatives. The only other Slytherin could help in any custody battle. A great warrior Naga Siren will be an excellent companion for traveling on the surface.
Coming to the surface, Slardar not even know what his nightmares can wait. The real horror for him was Bane, which is able to load a terrible warrior in a dream and make it helpless.
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