Dota2 : Shadow Shaman

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Shadow Shaman is a support service and pusher dizeyblov Dota 2. The abundance and the ability to quickly destroy towers make it a very versatile hero who is not picky about the subjects. In conjunction with this character is quite simple to do First Blood.
Shadow Shaman can stand on any line, but it is preferable to leave the center of the heroes, more demanding pharma and the level and go with Kerry. It is desirable that it was an easy line (top and bottom of the Dire for Radiant), on which we will have access to taps forest creeps and, accordingly, the opportunity to earn some money.
Starter supply of gold to spend Animal CourierAnimal Courier, Observer WardObserver Ward, TangoTango, 2x Iron BranchIron Branch, 2x ClarityClarity. We get the opportunity to review the runes and approaches to our line, a little restore health / mana, two to the article, and the team says thank you for the courier. Observer WardObserver Ward set so that you can see a rune, it will help our Meader control it successfully gank and replenish BottleBottle.
Our character low number of lives, as well as problems with the mana for spells Vysk Manak. Items that we bought in the early game designed to correct these deficiencies. First of all, better to buy Arcane BootsArcane Boots, which allow mana himself and the team, as well as increase its total number. When used, it is desirable to be close to an ally. It’s time to buy Urn of ShadowsUrn of Shadows, which increases the strength and, accordingly, Health and slightly increases mana regeneration, and gives the opportunity to treat yourself or allies, cause little damage to the enemy.
At 3rd level, you can try to make First Blood, if our partner has a high damage or stun / deceleration. When our Kerry was removed from the creeps, you can use a couple of times Ether Shock thereby leaving opponents without health. At 6th level, it is desirable to cooperate with the center line and destroy the tower, using Mass Serpent Ward.
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