Dota2 : Phoenix

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The history of Phoenix
When only the Titans created the worlds, when the sky was not strewn with stars, already has a reasonable point of light that was carrying its heat in the infinite cold emptiness. For a long time it was sent, and concentrated its beam on the star, causing it to explode. From this explosion of lights hundreds flocked to the emptiness of the vast space to be reborn again and illuminate the outer sky.
As time went on, the stars exploded and their fragments scattered. After many thousands of years the entire sky was covered with bright lights that shone, they gave light and heat and cold boundless void. a star was born in the result of this process. Mortals gave her the name Phoenix. But this star is different from the others. She was not as great as her brothers, but she had a reason. Rather than give other planets in warm, she was so curious that began to explore the world. I wanted to know who she and her brothers give warmth and light.
As a result of his long research she learned that there are many worlds and universes, but they are all united by one world, which is a closed center of all universes, where people come to all of the most powerful beings of these worlds. They are ready to fight for the victory, because in this world there are two fragments of a mad moon. This war is a universal character, everyone wants to win. Star named Phoenix went there, she took the physical form of a huge bird of fire to carry heat to everyone who needs it. And also, of course, to win and fulfill his true destiny.
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