Dota2 : Phantom Lancer

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Back in the kingdom, on the farthest outskirts of his village located Pole. The main occupation of local residents was fishing. All day they hunted for her, holding harpoons and spears, sharp movement of hands, they pierced her with his arms. And in the evening gathered around the fire to safely eat fried fish and sing songs in the family.
Before the villagers had heard rumors about the war, which was mixed in the kingdom, and endowed with many, that it will be a party, by their villages. But the war still has overtaken them. Young fishermen decided to join the army of the kingdom, strengthening its ranks, including a modest spear Azrafil. The main enemy of the kingdom was a terrible magician named Vorn. His abilities, he created hundreds of enchanted warriors and sent them to war.
Phantom Lancer
There was a long battle, Azrafil and his relatives fought shoulder to shoulder, but eventually he was left alone at the foot of the fortress of the magician. Anger shrouded his mind, he was furious that massacre, which fell his brothers. He decided that in whatever was to sneak into the castle and kill the damn magician. The incredible skill and masterful precision strikes spear allowed him to make his way through the corridors with traps, combat enchanted guard that guarded the magician, and in the end he came face to face with the Vorn. The magician was very strong and looked terrifying, but the courage Azrafil and his oath that he will bring peace to the kingdom and in the village, makes it move faster and strike with lightning speed and accuracy.
The whole night was a battle Azrafil and Vorn, and at the very dawn, when the sun illuminated the tower mage Azrafil spear pierced his enemy. The strength of the magician was so great that he did not just die, and broke into a thousand pieces of light that pierced the Lancer in its power. After a couple of seconds, when a bright light died down and the dust has settled, Azrafil saw their relatives. They looked just like him, wore the same clothes and held a weapon in his hands.
Azrafil realized now that he is capable to create their own phantoms, who will assist him in battle. But Azrafil not want to know about it his allies, and wished that the phantom disappeared. When reinforcements arrived in the tower, they saw the bloodied body Azrafil and magician, but before he could approach the Spear as he suddenly vanished before their eyes.
After these events Azrafil traveled extensively and participated in numerous battles, but one he paused. Azrafil not need any reward, he just wants peace and quiet to catch fish in his village, but to do so he has to win his last battle.
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