Dota2 : Phantom Assassin

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Order of the Sisters of the Veil is considered one of the most dangerous and mysterious in the world. You can not enter it on their own, but also to refuse service, too, there is no law.
Each of the sisters choose visionary and, since birth, they are taken from their mothers to educate and train as the best assassins. As a result, you will not find someone who can be compared with these phantom assassins in the art of killing.
They kill not for power or gold, their sacrifices are not linked caste or status, age or sex. following the victim’s name comes to their strange visions, and murder is honored ritual. To die at the hands of Sister Veil considered a great honor.
No one knows the exact number of members of the Order. Sisters can be hundreds, maybe one. Each of them is hidden behind the impenetrable veil, and could easily replace the fallen sister.
Only one opened his own name, which you can hear before dying. Whispers Mortred be the last thing you hear.
Skilful in the near and far combat, Phantom Assassin necessarily come out of the shadows to fulfill his destiny. Accurate throw Stifling Dagger, and the ritual is completed, and the killer is looking for the next victim.
Not only a great force hidden behind the veil Mortred, but also a great dexterity. No opponent can not keep up with the lightning spurts phantom. A moment ago it was in the shade, and now Phantom Strike moved it directly to the victim.
Stealth and secrecy are important if you want to kill a very formidable opponent. Nobody will allow just go to the king and put a blade in it. Therefore Mortred has mastered the art of Blur and is able to hide from the enemy even while fighting.
Phantom Assassin is not long fights, it appears from the darkness and inflicts a mortal blow. Shot Art Coup de Grace killer hone over the years, so it gives a very precise and deadly to any enemy.
Ritual murderers always live alone, but during the mass battles they have to cooperate with other heroes. Vengeful Spirit further enhances the lethal potential Mortred. Her rage and anger extends to the assassin, that allows you to attack a lot stronger.
Bear, which protects his tribe, ready to do anything for him. If the killer gaze fell on some of Ursa tribesmen, the Northern warrior will be very angry and will make every effort to destroy Mortred, and they have had enough.
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