Dota2 : Morphling

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History Morphling
Thousands of light-years huge planet plowed the vast expanses of space. This huge boulder known as polymorphs, and almost all consisted of ice. Somehow she Flied solar system, and it did not melt the ice. But the fates decreed by gravity or she still was drawn.
Another long pieces of crazy moon hit on both sides of the shallow rivers, and around them began to develop civilization. Many years later, the inhabitants of these lands have decided to destroy the stones to each other and began to collect the army. Just at that time the two armies ready to begin the battle, which they spodvigli these very stones of their great strength. On the night before the battle, the soldiers saw in the sky flying comet, which sought to land. Army generals have decided that this is a good sign for the start of the battle and delivered.
At that time, the comet was flying to the ground at high speed, leaving a tail, the army clashed in the battle on the banks of a narrow creek. After a few minutes the river is highlighted in red blows. Comet all sought to down. Going into the dense layer of the atmosphere, the ice began to melt. And when the ice block fell on the ground, and it broke a watery creature that bore the name Morfling. Seeing the battle, it is immediately poured into a narrow river.
It is impossible to gauge the strength of Morflinga, it is like an ocean wave that washes its Nakatami rocks and demolishing everything in its path. Morfling at the time was the river, fully merged with it. His first victim was a general one of the armies who dared to enter into the river. As soon as his foot touched the surface of the water, he immediately fell into the water, and instead appeared Morfling taking its shape. Morfling well trained, he has adjusted to life on this planet. Standing alone someone enter the water, it is immediately absorbed bugger, and history repeated itself. During the long battle Morfling had time to visit the role of each. Whether it’s an archer or a warrior, or someone else.
The battle on the river ended, but other than Morflinga was no survivors. After he realized that in the battle he is free to itself, and is not obliged to adjust to someone else. Choose a guise, Morfling began to move it. After all, he chose the party for whom will fight. He has no friends, no enemies, he is by himself, he is free to do whatever he wants. He’s the water, and the water is the life or death …
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