Dota2 : Mirana

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Hero history Mirana (FIHM)
For the service of the goddess of the moon, world to abandon the right to become a princess throne Radiant. Safety silvery forests became the main goal in life Mirana. Luna gave her a special power weapons, and the great beast on which she travels, make it easy to protect the sacred lotus from any dangers.
Moon Goddess is always watching and guarding Mirani. At any time it is ready to unleash on meteorites detractors head to foot in silver forest. Starstorm able to put to flight the whole group of brave warriors.
Magic lunar energy is hidden in each arm Sacred Arrow. When she hits the opponent, he loses the ability to move or use his abilities. This is an easy target for the lunar princess.
When the great beast the world appears on the battlefield, one feels close to the victory of the Allies girl increases attack speed and movement. Savage Leap cry can be heard even in the loudest battle.
To give an advantage to the world the Allies, the goddess of the moon hides under the cloak of shadows, making them invisible. Moonlight Shadow duration of the eclipse is enough to turn the outcome of any battle, the enemy becomes invisible at times dangerous.
It turned out that the best ally for Mirana, became her most dangerous opponent. Shadow Shaman helps keep the enemy for accurate archery, but can neutralize the princess until she was killed enemies.
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