Dota2 : Meepo

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Once in the palace shadows Gorge, which was carried out horrific experiments on the human soul. During the terrible ritual soul tried to extract and place in a crystal.
If all goes according to plan, the crystal is broken, and the soul was divided into a thousand pieces. Why use these crystals – is unknown and until now, but many are sent on a quest for many years after the fall of the palace.
Life in the valley will not bring no joy, even the food here is very difficult to find. Find possible, but also to catch the … Strong creatures of the caves can kill the hunter, so weak is simply not survive.
Many who sought the secret crystals, waiting for a failure or death. Few managed to find the precious stone with a part of the soul within.
More often than not, in a gorge overlooking the small trader Meepo. He is constantly searching for something, but never sells crystals. Perhaps he does not find them, and possibly collect his soul. There are legends that IIEP was one of those who survived the ritual, and dispelled his soul into many pieces. Somehow he managed to get out of one of them and take a physical form. Since then, he is looking for all the pieces and frees your soul. Only once all the pieces are found, they can be reunited with the rest of the IIEP.
It is well adapted to life in the valley. To catch your dinner, it does not use traps, it is very long and is unreliable. It is much more convenient to wield the net Earthbind, which can hold a small creature.
Until then, until all the pieces do not create a holistic crystal souls will be attached to them. Meepo uses this ability to get out of various scrapes. Breaking crystal Poof, the soul disappears, and together with her material shell, but appears in the backpack of another IIST.
The hero does not load his backpack with unnecessary things, so moving much faster than the greedy traders and heroes in armor. Geostrike helps to circle the enemy and inflict greater number of strokes.
Each crystal Divided We Stand back on the soul of the company and adds another IIST. Spell bound all the particles together, so the death of one drags death and others Meepo.
It is important to keep each IIST from death, so who is not a priest Dazzle will be the best ally in the battle. His ability to save lives, as if she was not close to death, it will be very useful in the gorge of shadows.
A large number of IIEP plays into the hands of such a character as Earthshaker. They do not interfere with it, and the only further increase.
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