Dota2 : Lion

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Despite the fact that Lions owned a magic demons, he always fought on the side of good and defended the weak against any evil. He likes his praise all around. Excessive self-love mage cramped with trails of light.
Demon lured him to the side of evil and using flattery forced to do terrible things. Over time, people no longer refer to the Lion for help, and then banished him from all the places where he could appear.
Friendship with the demon lasted until he found a more favorable partner than Lion. Rage eclipsed mind magician, and he decided to take revenge vile fiend. When he caught up with the offender, then I tore it to pieces, literally.
As a trophy, Lion took a demon’s hand, which was hiding a piece of his magic. The consequences were not long in coming – the magician turned into a strange creature with great force.
Evil overshadowed his mind, and he broke out of hell in order to spread fear and destruction. His fury overtook even the innocent. Those who call themselves his assistants, waiting for even more terrible fate.
Demonic limb allows a mage to open a crack in the hell from which erupt dangerous spikes Earth Spike. He pierced the victim, prohibiting movement and inflicting terrible damage.
Converting demonology gave him the idea that the essence of the changes is quite easy. Now he can transform enemies into harmless little animals, causing them to suffer by Hex.
Anyone who can not be compared with Lion in strength and power, are merely a source of strength for him. Once Mana Drain exhaust the manna, the victim becomes necessary for the magician.
A part of the demon into the hands of Lion, not only disfigured appearance sorcerer, but also allowed to open hitherto unknown forces. The strength of the Finger of Death is able to destroy any enemy, without even leaving the memories of him.
Weakened Lion enemy will be an excellent target for a formidable warrior northern Ursa, who will be able to part with it in no time.
Anti-Mage heard of the mighty demonology, which combines the demon forces. He is happy to rid the world of this monster.
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